

Using fresh starts to jumpstart your retirement savings

Identify the next fresh start in your life and use this SMART worksheet to outline how you can use it to kickstart your retirement goals.

A retiree’s introduction to volunteering

The Baby Boom generation wanted to change the world. Though their ideals may have been buried beneath the baggage of growing up—careers, mortgages and raising children, they were never discarded. Retirement for many Baby Boomers […]

How to help protect against market volatility

It’s critical to reduce your investment risk through diversification, especially as you get closer to retirement age.1 Research shows that having sufficient retirement income is a top priority for Americans and that the most confident investors look […]

You can DIY guaranteed income with these 3 tips

You’ve probably heard of DIY or do-it-yourself. From home improvement to knitting to repairing your own electronics, the DIY mentality can be applied to almost any endeavor. But did you know it’s possible to DIY […]

Women are financially savvy

Women are financially savvy. Yet, there are still unique challenges working against women in retirement.

Cash for life? Lottery isn’t the only way

Guaranteed income can safeguard against running out of money.

Should you move or stay put in retirement?

Planning ahead means planning for your future housing. Should you stay put or downsize? This guide can help you sort it out.

Creating your stream of guaranteed retirement income

A health event, inflation, or market fluctuations can impact your retirement savings. Monthly income can help save you from running out of money. Click to learn more in this infographic.

Funding your future health care needs

A little planning now can go a long way to help take care of yourself in the future.

Risks at retirement

Consider the risks that could impact what matters to you. Then, do what you can to take those risks off the table.

Retirement house hunting: Think outside the saltbox

Think ahead to your retirement home. What if your “empty nest” were on wheels? Or a tiny solar-powered cabin? Or nestled on a sparkling bay in Honduras or Belize? Retirement in America used to mean […]

How to navigate retirement when you’re a workaholic

It’s fair to assume that most people look forward to retirement. But what if you’re among those for whom work defines life? If you’re a “workaholic” unaccustomed to leisure, what are you supposed to do […]
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