Women are financially savvy
[Photograph of two womensitting on a couch facing one another. Both are holding coffee mugs and smiling at the other .]
Making retirement a reality.
Look to the future with confidence.
Women are financially savvy.
- 50% of households are headed by women.1
- Over $32 trillion of word-wide spending is controlled by women.2
- Women often do better in the market than men because women are more inclined to do research and more likely to exhibit patience.3
[On a light grey background background.] Yet, when planning for retirement, there are unique challenges working against women.
- [Graphic of a dollar sign.] She’ll have less to save because she’s paid less than her male counterparts.
- [Graphic of a clock.] She’ll have less time in the workforce (to have kids)—so she has less opportunity to save.
- [Graphic of pie chart with a smaller section of around one third split off from the rest of the circle.] She’ll live longer than the men in her life—so she’ll need to make her savings last longer.
- [Graphic of a bar chart with bars increasing in height from left to right.] She can expect 10% higher health care costs in retirement than men.4
Making the most of your retirement reality.
When it comes to retirement, we’re advocates for getting you where you want to go. You have the vision. Now, let’s make it a reality.
For more information about retirement planning, speak with your financial professional or visit www.LivingConfidently.com/MyRetirementReality
1 https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/women/reports/2016/12/19/295203/breadwinning-mothers-are-increasingly-the-u-s-norm/
2 https://girlpowermarketing.com/statistics-purchasing-power-women/
3 https://www.kiplinger.com/article/investing/T031-C000-S002-the-secrets-of-women-investors.html
4 Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) Report, Women’s Perspectives on Saving, Investing, and Retirement Planning, November 2015.
Material discussed is meant for general informational purposes only and is not to be construed as tax, legal, or investment advice. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, please note that individual situations can vary. Therefore, the information should be relied upon only when coordinated with individual professional advice. EB017347 (9/22) 2022-142640 (Exp. 9/24)