The financial secrets of the most confident American workers
The Financial Secrets of the Most Confident American Workers
[Graphic of an iPad with different graphs] Learn Financial Secrets of America’s Most Confident Workers.
The Guardian Study of Financial and Emotional Confidence™ found that just 23% of American workers are Confident Planners—the most confident members of the American workforce. What makes them stand out? And what can you do to join them?
How do they feel? Compared to the least financially confident members of the American workforce, Confident Planners are…
- Confident. Two times more likely to feel confident day to day.
- One-point-six times more likely to be very satisfied with their life overall.
- Sixteen times less likely to feel overwhelmed by their finances.
- One-point-four times more likely to do a good job balancing work/life demands.
- Four-point-six times more likely to be confident they’re financially ready for retirement.
- One-point-seven times more likely to consider themselves much more focused on the long term than the short term.
What do they do differently?
- [Circle chart displaying 95%] say they’re pretty good about setting up and sticking with a long-term financial strategy.
- [Circle chart displaying 74%] have a written financial strategy.
- [Graphic of stack of bills, cup of coffee, billfold, and cell phone]
Of those:
- Sixty-one percent have clear financial goals.
- Fifty-four percent state investment strategies by comfort level.
- Forty-five percent list out a planning time horizon.
- Thirty-nine percent declare an expression of risk tolerance.
What can I do to join them?
- Identify goals early and often
- Settle on a target timeline
- Prioritize your protection
- Assess your risk tolerance
- Focus on your big picture
- Draft a final strategy
- Set up a meeting with a financial professional
- [Circle chart displaying 65%] worked with a financial professional to make their financial plan
[Graphic of a question mark in a chat bubble] Think you might be a Confident Planner? Take the Financial and Emotional Confidence quiz and find out. [Graphic of iPad showing a checklist with two boxes checked]
Brought to you by The Guardian Network© 2022. The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America®, New York, NY
The Guardian Study of Financial and Emotional Confidence™
2022-135023 Exp. 3/2024