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10 Scary facts about retirement

Some prepare for retirement by planning extended vacations or travel. Others meet with trusted professionals with increasing frequency. Some simply adopt new hobbies to fill their time. While you’re exploring the new opportunities the next […]


Entrepreneurship is easier with a little help from your friends

The “American Dream” refers to the ability to create your own version of a successful life. For many people, that means the freedom to work for themselves.  Over 62% of millennials have considered starting their […]

From earning a paycheck to having a purpose-driven career

Whether you’re early in your career or years down a successful career path, think about how you’re spending those 2,000-plus work hours every year. If you’re disengaged from your job and simply working for that […]

5 tips to find your meaningful career

Are you someone who “works to live” and has no passion for that work? Do you get out of bed dreading the day, or excited to get it started? The desire to be satisfied with […]

Could your business last if your business associate died?

The death of your business associate is a terrible thought to contemplate, but all business co-ownerships face this risk and need to plan for it. Failure to plan can affect the ongoing viability of your […]

7 potential mistakes made on beneficiary designations

Beneficiary designations ensure that accumulated wealth goes to your intended heirs and beneficiaries. Yet, most individuals fail to regularly review them, even after a significant life event. Here are 7 common beneficiary designation practices which […]

Why small business success should matter year-round

“Shop local” is not just a catchy slogan meant to make you and small-business owners feel good a few times a year. There is real economic value to shopping at and spending money at locally […]

How does an annuity work?

As a retirement income planning tool, annuities are the subject of much discussion these days. As a means of generating retirement income, they can be very useful. Yet annuities come in many shapes and sizes […]

A guide to common paycheck deductions and withholdings

Wonder why your take-home pay is much lower than your gross income? This brief guide outlines common payroll deductions and withholdings that shrink paychecks.

8 Tips for first-time home buyers

Buying your first home is a big decision that involves a major financial commitment, so you want to make sure you approach it smartly. Here are some important tips to help you make this decision. 1. Make Sure Home […]

Retirement by the numbers

The trickiest thing about retirement is that the numbers are always changing. Did the latest headlines touting a “magic number” for retirement leave you in awe? Do you expect retirement to begin at a specific […]

3 Retirement considerations for women

Women and men are equally as likely to be saving for retirement, according to the 2022 Retirement Confidence Survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.1 Both men and women have a median expected retirement age […]

Planning for retirement? How to map out your financial goals

Sorting out your financial priorities is one of the first steps toward helping you create a successful retirement plan. By setting goals and time horizons now, you can develop realistic action plans that will help […]

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