Orange box with green triangle intersecting it from the bottom representing the stable base insurance provides


The most financially confident US workers prioritize financial protection for themselves and their families.

How can greater financial confidence help you?

What is financial confidence? Learn more about how your financial confidence is linked to your overall emotional confidence.

Whole•istic Thinking

Whole life insurance is one of the key ingredients to living confidently.

Bridge the (Paycheck) Gap

Discover how disability income insurance helps protect your ability to earn an income if you’re too ill or injured to work, so you can focus on your recovery instead of worrying about your finances.

What is an emergency fund?

Without even realizing it, most people are familiar with protection-first thinking. Every time you ride in a plane, for example, you hear this important safety announcement: “In the event of sudden decompression, secure your own […]


Whole•istic Thinking

Whole life insurance is one of the key ingredients to living confidently.

Financial & Emotional Confidence Quiz

Have you ever wondered what the most satisfied and emotionally confident Americans are doing right? Take our Financial & Emotional Confidence Quiz to find out how confident you are today and what you can start […]

What is an emergency fund?

Without even realizing it, most people are familiar with protection-first thinking. Every time you ride in a plane, for example, you hear this important safety announcement: “In the event of sudden decompression, secure your own […]

Why it pays to eat healthy

For many Americans, eating “healthy” has become a priority. Here are five simple ways to develop a diet that can trim your waistline and your healthcare costs.

Financial fixes: How to survive job loss

In the first few years after college, graduates tend to expect job turbulence. After all, the professional learning curve is steep, and it can take a while to find a good job fit. The surprising […]

From alien abduction to zombie apocalypse, the A to Z of insurance

Of course you’ve heard of life insurance, and maybe you’ve heard of celebrity body part insurance, but have you heard of zombie apocalypse insurance? It seems that wherever there is a concern, whether real, imagined, […]

Playing the odds with your future?

Plan for the things you can protect against, like a loss of income due to illness or injury.

Financial fixes: The hidden costs of home ownership

Buying your first home should bring joy. For many millennials, it may instead bring stress from financial juggling. In a recent survey, over 60 percent said they regretted buying a house. Their number one reason? […]

Three essential steps to avoid and recover from identity theft

Having your identity stolen can be both financially and emotionally devastating. Victims describe feeling helpless and fearful, as though they had been physically robbed.1 It happened to 14.4 million Americans in 2018 alone, with criminals illegally […]

How to live well into your retirement and leave an inheritance

How do you view retirement? With today’s retirement funding options, it’s possible to live well in your retirement and leave an inheritance to your loved ones.

The why, what and how of life insurance

Why do you need life insurance? What type is best for you? How much coverage is right for you? Learn more about the importance of life insurance.

The independence of financial and emotional well-being

Declare your independence from financial stress. How smarter financial choices can help you build confidence and gain freedom from worry.

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Living Confidently is powered by The Guardian Network.